LON - PSG+tempis PRE

Dressage PRE competed until Prix St George + tempi ones

Reference; LON
Born; 2005

Height; 163 cm
Gender; Stallion
Colour; Bay
Bloodline: Escalera/Oficial XXVII
Breedingstatus; APTO
Pricelevel; Consult

Advanced level PRE with a exceptional temeperament and ridability, suspended elastic movements to excel all the way up to GP. Quality tempi ones, totally straight and clear, canter pirouettes and super extended trot. Great walk reaching down with big overpass. Has competed Prix St George with good scores, interesting bloodlines via sire competing Grand Prix. 


Fb album; https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.650316918379407.1073741855.599850353426064&type=1&l=5bbfb26718